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A prop trading firm, or proprietary trading firm, trades stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, their derivatives, or other financial instruments with the firm’s own money, not clients’ money.

Prop trading firms make money from the profits they generate from trading. They use their own capital to buy and sell financial instruments in hopes of a profitable outcome.

To join a prop trading firm, you typically need to apply and go through an interview process. Some firms may require you to complete a training program or demonstrate your trading skills.

Skills needed include strong quantitative and analytical abilities, knowledge of financial markets, risk management, and often programming skills for algorithmic trading.

Some prop trading firms pay a base salary, especially to new traders, but many compensation structures are heavily based on performance bonuses from trading profits.

A drawdown is a peak-to-trough decline in the balance of your trading account. Prop firms often set maximum drawdown limits to manage risk.

A prop trading firm uses its own capital to trade for profit. A hedge fund pools capital from various investors and trades on their behalf, often using advanced strategies.

A prop trading desk in an investment bank uses the bank’s own funds to trade financial instruments for profit. Many banks have closed their prop trading desks due to regulatory changes.

Remote prop trading allows traders to trade for a prop firm from anywhere in the world. Traders use the firm’s capital and split profits with the firm.

A prop trader’s split from profits varies by firm but can range from 50% to 90%. The split often depends on the trader’s performance and the firm’s policies.

The amount of capital provided by prop trading firms varies widely. Some firms provide a few thousand dollars, while others provide millions.

Risks include financial loss, as trading involves substantial risk. There’s also the risk of not making enough profit to earn a substantial income.

This depends on the firm. Some prop firms allow traders to use their own strategies, while others require traders to follow the firm’s strategies. Most firms funding retail traders want you to trade your strategy.

Prop trading firms can trade a variety of markets, including stocks, bonds, commodities, forex, options, and futures.

Prop trading firms manage risk through strict risk management policies, including setting maximum loss limits, monitoring positions in real-time, and using automated risk management software.

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